Hate Mail

Jonathan Boyd, Page 4

August 28, 2001:

Hi Mike I was reading a book this morning and came across a quote by Mother Teresa that I thought might interest you. It was a comment made by her as Dr Paul Brand, the Lasker award winning leprosy doctor, consulted with her on a leprosy clinic she was opening in Calcutta. She said:

'We have drugs for people with diseases like leprosy. But these drugs do not treat the main problem, the disease of being unwanted. That's what my sisters hope to provide.'

In other words, she was more concerned with converting them than curing them or helping their suffering. She considered the "main problem" to be spiritual rather than medical. Precisely as I said.

She did spent a lot of time ministering to the poor, the sick, the unwanted. Time that could have been used to treat their physical condition.

Utter evil.

But she recognised that good health was useless if one did not feel loved.

Unless it was her own good health, in which case it was of paramount importance and she was rushed off to elite medical centres where cost is no object.

She treated the real problem in people's lives - the feeling of not being wanted, the feeling that no-one cares. She made people feel that there were others out there who cared for them and a God that loved them very much.

She had her eyes set on their mental and spiritual health in this life and their destination in the next. Things undoubtedly more important than the relief of physical suffering.

In other words, you admit that she took money meant for saving lives and alleviating suffering, and she diverted it to her mission of converting people. It's utterly amazing to me that you can't see what's wrong with that, but your lack of morals has been demonstrated quite clearly in your other messages already, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

That said, she did do a lot of work to relieve physical suffering, such as opening leprosy centres. While we are called to trust that good works for good in all things, even through pain, we are also called to be compassionate to others and strive to relieve pain wherever we can.

And that's why she diverted money away from medical assistance for the dying? That's why she wouldn't return the stolen money she got from Charles Keating? Your sense of morality must be truly abhorrent, for you to defend such actions.

Continue to Jonathan Boyd, Page 5

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