Morality & Politics

Atheist Morality: Conclusion

Are atheists immoral, showing no regard for family values? Hardly. There is not a shred of evidence to support this widespread fundamentalist lie, and in fact, there is considerable evidence to show that it is the fundamentalists who should be taken to task for their deficient morality. Are atheists responsible for the rise in divorce rates or youth crime? Hardly; atheists divorce less than Christians do (particularly the "born-again" fundamentalists, whose divorce rate was shown to be nearly 30% higher than that of atheists in the Barna study), and atheist youths are no more likely to commit crime than Christian youths. Fundamentalist arrogance is frankly incredible; how could any group with such a history (not to mention a continuing insistence that their customs outweigh the sanctity of human life) point fingers at others for immorality? I applaud Christians who are enlightened enough to break away from the Crusade mentality, but the fundamentalists who would perpetuate it are just as evil as the crusaders and inquisitioners of centuries past. In either case, they have no conceivable justification for moral condemnation of secular humanism. If anything, secular humanism is directly responsible for virtually all of the societal improvements that have occurred since the end of the church-run Dark Ages.

For more information on the real secular humanist movement (as opposed to the fundamentalist strawman image of amoral drug users and evil mad scientists), visit the Humanism site, the Religious Tolerance site, the Freedom from Religion site, and the Positive Atheism site. For an example of the sort of venomous hatred spewed by the sort of right-wing Christian fundamentalists that I'm talking about, check out


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